A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting some friends in LA while I was on business. Let me tell you a little bit about that!
What I love about LA is that it is made up of dozens of communities. -There is no one single experience that can sum up the life and the heartbeat of this city. But what can be noticed about Los Angeles by both tourists and locals alike is the vibrant and unique neighborhoods, and the extreme diversity that sets it apart from any other city.
I LOVE the diversity of LA and I got to experience that first-hand. Since I was in LA during th Oscars, every hotel in the area was about 600 dollars a night. The only place offering a good deal was in "Chinatown." While in Chinatown, I literally felt like I was in another country. -All of the billboards, bus stops, benches, and local stores were ALL in Chinese. (I logged into the hotel computer and even THAT was in Chinese haha...)
So yes, while when the words "Los Angeles" first reach our ears, we instantly think of "eternal sunshine," "beaches," and "Hollywood glitz" ....don't forget that LA is also home to many small communities as well, with their own distinct cultural personalities. In LA, there is a place for everyone.
Anyway, immediately after I landed, we checked out the Farmer's Market for dinner, otherwise known as "The Grove."
I had never seen anything like it. The Grove offers EVERY single type of food you can possibly imagine... and it's ALL in one place. (Naturally, I was in heaven) After much deliberation, we finally chose to eat at this Brazilian Steakhouse/ outdoor, open buffet type place. (...they definitely don't have those in Oklahoma)
And wouldn't you know it, Crystal Bowersox from American Idol had the same idea. While I was eating, I had the pleasure of speaking with her. She is AWESOME and I am totally pulling for her. She said she'll be cheering for me at Miss USA! ;)... We also exchanged favors: I vote for her, and she votes for me. haha ;) (The Photogenic Award that will be on NBC in May)
The incredibly talented, Crystal Bowersox.
Also at the Grove, was Fo Porter, from America's Next Top Model Cycle 12.
It was ironic seeing her because I was recently contacted by the ANTM casting team asking me to come in for a private casting in Dallas. (I appreciate them allowing me to avoid those crazy lines, haha)
I also ran into my friend, Yuri, while in LA, who I had the pleasure of shooting with in New York City several weeks ago. He just landed the Christian Audigier campaign, and had billboards already up while I was in town. What a stud.
Also to make note, while I was shopping with friends, I ran into Jaimee Grubbs, former mistress of Tiger Woods. (She was shoe shopping at Rock & Republic. haha...)
...........Moving right along, and away from the celebs...Behn and I tore down the city in pursuit of the most kickin' wardrobe EVER for Miss USA and the "City of Angels" did NOT dissapoint. ;)
We drove all throughout Ritzy West Hollywood, past the Sunset Strip and the Santa Monica Pier, all throughout the upscale Melrose Avenue Shopping District, Beverly Hills and of course, Rodeo Drive.
Funny story: My dad shoots me a text during our shopping excursion and types, "Ummm the credit card company called. They were concerned about a possible 'fraud' in Beverly Hills." ...hahaha....
Needless to say, even though I had to drop some major cash, I was able to purchase several INCREDIBLE statement pieces and I'm really looking forward to showing them off in Vegas soon. ;)
(On another comical note: One store clerk thought I looked like "Heidi Montag" post-surgery???? haha...I decided to just go ahead and take that as a "twisted compliment" -The girl had to have 12+ Plastic surgeries to look similar to what I look like naturally. ;) lol... Because "THIS" nose, lips, cheek bones, teeth and chin are from the good Lord above haha....and mom and dad, of course.)

MORE BIG NEWS: I met with Brett Tomberlin, producer with Imagination Design Works. IDW Productions is an independent entertainment Production Company that creates feature length motion pictures, television programming, stage productions and website properties.
In June, I will be modeling for a t-shirt line coming out to promote an upcoming movie, "Winchester." (Based off of the haunted, Winchester Mansion in San Jose, Cali ~ IDW is also offering me the opportunity to audition for the film.
To date, Winchester is currently in development and is being penned by the writers of Haunting in Connecticut, Adam Simon and Tim Metcalfe. IDW will produce the film in association with Nine Entertainment and Haunting in Connecticut producer, Andy Trapani.
Along with Winchester, I've been given the opportunity to audition for Pointe Miguel. Pointe Miguel is also in development at this time and is projected to enter into production in Fall. Andrew Golov, former executive at Spelling Television and Artisan Entertainment will be heading this upcoming soccer thriller. During Andrew's tenure at the studios he oversaw such properties as "Backdraft," "Far and Away," "Thinner," "The Punisher," and "The Blair Witch Project."
Last of my celebrity "run-ins," ....As I was leaving LA and preparing to board for NYC, I met the engaging, Al Roker. I complimented Al on what a fantastic job he did putting together the Miss USA documentary featured on E! He gratefully accepted my compliments. Afterward, we talked about my Miss USA preparations.
Aside from the "celebs," the best part of the trip was spending time with my great friend, Behn, and shopping until we dropped. (Literally! - We forgot where we parked and walked around for nearly an hour looking for our car... haha) ...I also had the pleasure of meeting his pride and joy, "Glitz," the shi tzu.
Last of the adventures worth mentioning is of course related to food. ;) And anyone who KNOWS me, KNOWS that I'm not one of those "salad eating" chicks. haha...
Quick Fixes: While in a hurry one day, we drove through Mcdonald's for lunch where they hung a giant sign stating, "99 BILLION SERVED..." (Dang that's a lot of people who like big macs... haha....) And in need of a midnight snack, I also had to try the famous, "Del Taco" before I left town. I must tell you, I have never in my life seen a fast food restaurant that only serves one option...haha...TACOS!!! ( A #1-#10 were all.... tacos, LOL)
Restaurants of Choice: One night we hit up "Baby Blues BBQ", where I chowed down on some catfish, fries, and mac n cheese. haha... (The breakfast of champions...) Another night we enjoyed "Mel's Diner", one of the oldest in LA, where I got to indulge in a burger, fries, and chocolate milkshake. (Chocolate is my weakness!!)
My TOP 5 "Craziest Things about LA":
1.) Seeing a celebrity at least once a day is quite ordinary.
2.) THE TRAFFIC. Omyword. A 10 minute drive in OKC is a 40 minute bumper to bumper in LA.
3.) There's a fast food restaurant that only offers one option...haha... TACOS!! (Although, those were some dang good tacos.)
4.) Medical Marijuana is advertised in neon lights inside store windows. haha ( I will never forget driving through town at night and seeing a giant neon green Marijuana LEAF in the window! haha... "Toto, we're not in Oklahoma anymore" ;) )
5.) At the entrance of almost every parking lot, EVEN THE GROCERY STORE, you have to take a ticket and get it validated. Amazing!
That's all folks!
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
Peace & Love,